Look Around Once In A While

It’s the drop where I stay, and the plants are shiny with shade, the air is sharp and seems pleasantly awesome.  Too bad I’ve been too active to really notice it.

Luckily, I came across a quotation from Ferris Bueller.  He says, “Life goes fairly quick.  If you don’t pause to look around occasionally, you could skip it.”  Not only did that become the studying and concept for yoga exercises category, it motivated me to take manufactured off and luxuriate in the drop elegance.

Here’s a quotation from Nathaniel Hawthorne who said, “I cannot withstand to pay out anything so valuable as autumn sunlight by remaining in the house.”

How about you?  Have you been humming through life and losing out on what’s important?  It will do you some real good to take some crack.  It doesn’t even have to take a time.  Keep in mind even a 5-moment crack really allows.                 

Here’s a mini-meditation from my Mind-Body Expertise eBook that can be done at anytime and anywhere.  Your attention boosts and it will negotiate the brain down and obvious your go.

Stop – Look – Pay attention Mini-Meditation

Stop – Notice your position . . . breathing . . . level of power . . . feelings . . . psychological action.
Look – Flicker your sight several times.  Look at something far away and find out the facts in what you see.  Flicker again.
Look at something near.  Find the facts.
Listen – Pay attention to appears to be come and go.  Basically, notice without evaluating.  No level of resistance.  No holding.  Basically listen.

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